Canary Islands I
I shot these images during two shorts trips to the Canary islands in 2022 (Tenerife) and 2023 (Lanzarote). Unfortunately, I experienced pretty poor weather most of the time, which greatly limited photography opportunities. I am still very happy with the images I got though, and I was impressed by these islands' landscapes due to their scale and diversity.
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Do not hesitate to DM me over on instagram if you have any questions or would like to chat ! @gregoire_pns_photography
Masca's sheer cliffs
Sunset over a beautiful volcanic valley in the mountains of southern Tenerife. Many legends surround this place, including one about pirates who used to dwell in the canyon below the small village.
Sunny spell
I waited and walked along the beautiful black sand beach in front of this sea stack for a whole afternoon because of the stormy weather. I wanted something more dramatic than a grey sky. The light finally pierced the clouds for a few minutes right when I was leaving. The warm breeze coming from the ocean as the waves crashed higher and higher was really pleasant.
Volcanic archipelago
This picture encompasses a vivid memory of an amazing hike along Lanzarote's wild northern cliffs at sunset. Although most people go for the volcanoes in the southern part of the island, I was drawn to the volcanic cliffs and the archipelago as it is a kind of scenery I hadn't seen anywhere else before.
Echium wildpretii
After a nice hike among sulfuric fumes at the top of this volcano, I found this beautiful plant in the caldera. While it was too early in the season for it to be covered with flowers, I had never seen such a tall and weird looking plant before, especially in a barren environment. The sunset was very hazy due to the strong winds and large quantities of sand in the air.
Rugged coastline
The wind howled and the clouds darkened quickly after I shot the sea stacks on Benijo beach. I summited a steep hill nearby to reach a nice viewpoint over the whole coast and its small villages. The storm worsened quickly. However, a couple minutes before sunset, a strong gust of wind opened up the clouds above the village, allowing me to shoot this picture before the rain started to fall.
Sand patterns
I have always been amazed by the ever-changing patterns formed by water in the sand of some beaches. It is difficult to catch the exact moment when the sun is at the right position to reveal the textures. I was really particularly happy to be able to do it on Lanzarote, on one of the only two nice sunsets we've caught (Can you imagine that we caught the only rainy days in the whole month on a desert island ? lol).
Canary islands I


Canary islands I

This project contains some of the landscape pictures I've been able to shoot in the Canary Islands over two trips in the last years. I describe p Read More
